Friday, February 17, 2012

Eating to be fit...

As the name of this blog implies, I am a runner and I run to be fit. As the name of this post implies, I will be writing about eating to be fit (which is an issue for me, as you will see). 

I started running just over a year ago, to honor a very special person who passed away after a long battle with cancer.  I have run 3 5k's, an 8k, 2 10k's and a half marathon. 

I am a very goal oriented person who goes after those goals with focus and determination.  And yet...I still struggle with my weight.  At only 5'1", I am about 30 pounds overweight.  I don't quite understand how a 10 mile training run doesn't make me the least bit nervous, but faced with a donut I lose all track of my goals! 

I am already registered for another half marathon on May 20, and am planning on my first full marathon this fall.  I know these races will be easier on my body when I start losing these extra 30 lbs I'm carting around.  I just haven't figured out how to get the same focus I have on my running, to translate to my diet...yes, I am running2bfit, but I also need to be eating2bfit! 

I would love to blame my weight issues on my thyroid issues, but that wouldn't be productive or honest.  While it may play a small role, I certainly have the power to overcome that issue with a more healthful diet.  I know what I should be eating to fuel my body (and my running), and I start everyday with intentions to do just what I know I should.  But I cave to the temptation of unhealthy food time and time again.  It's rather embarrassing that I am so strong in every other part of my life and yet cannot seem to get a handle on this!

My hope is that by putting this out there for all to see, I will be held to an accountability level that will make a difference in this struggle.  If you're reading this post, please feel free to comment and follow up...This is the one area of my life I struggle with the most, and it's the one that has the most impact on my health. 

It's time I start eating to be fit!


  1. Eating healthy is a daily struggle! you are not alone on that one! meal planning has done wonders for me :D

    1. Thanks, Ruth. Was thinking that meal planning would be wise...I need to sit down and really plan out a menu for a week at a time :)
